Your rebuilding committee are delighted to advise that by the end of November, we will have raised over $900,000.
This is a fantastic effort by all parishioners. If we can keep our fundraising at current levels, we are likely to be able to commence our rebuilding next year.
Some points of interest:
- The weekly automatic payments by parishioners continues to be the backbone of our fundraising. If you would like to contribute in this way and wish to start, please contact the Parish office
- The collection “money boxes” have raised over $3000. Keep up the good work. If you wish a collection box, please contact the parish office
- Our various Parish Cultural/Ethnic groups have continued to raise large funds of money by organising various events. This included a food fair on our feast day
We continue to meet with the Diocese and Auckland Council, to update and discuss our plans with them.
The church has undergone an earthquake risk assessment, with a positive result.
Many functions are planned for next year and we ask for your continued support. Events include a wine and food festival, concerts, raffles, movie evenings as well as a car rally. Lots of fun.