My dear Parish Community leaders and all other parish groups and association leaders,
Since it is the overwhelming desire expressed by many of you, to commence The Celebration Of The Holy Eucharist, we need volunteers to ensure, guideline instructions given by the New Zealand Government, are adhered to at all times when the faithful are congregated in numbers not exceeding 100persons inside the church.
Therefore, I sincerely appeal to each community to give a list of names of those who are willing to come forward at this crucial hour, to help in ensuring these strict guidelines are observed by the faithful.
Hence, volunteers from each community are needed to carry out the following tasks, if we are to commence The Celebration Of Holy Mass during level 2 of the covid-19 period declared by the New Zealand Government.
As it is a mandatory procedure which is required by the law, we need names of those who we can count on to turn up and remain before and after Holy Mass to perform the following mandatory tasks, which are essential if we are to celebrate Holy Mass during this level 2 of covid-19
- Ensure all sign-in and sign out in the register kept in the foyer when entering with their name, address and contact telephone for contact tracing, as required by the New Zealand Government.
- Ensure no more than 100 persons are inside the church during service at all times.
- Ensure the faithful are 2meteres apart from each other from all directions; front and sideways, for which I propose we mark designated places with tape where each individual must remain during service.
- Ensure the faithful sanitize their hands before entering church.
- Ensure the church pews are sanitized before and after each Mass.
I leave it for each community leader to discuss between yourselves and present me with a list of persons who we can rely upon and are able to carry out this task and thus leave it for each community leader to take the appropriate action required with urgency.
Once each community have your list of nominees, you can contact the parish via email: secretary@hendersoncatholic.org.nz
Tel. 09 835 3355 (New parish land line)
Mobile 0225606522 (New parish mobile)
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you and God Bless you
Fr. Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap.
Parish Priest – Holy Cross Parish Henderson, Auckland.