My dear Parishioners,
Just to inform you I have decided to commence Holy Mass this weekend onwards as follows.
a) There will be a one-way entry into the church and a one-way exit.
b) 100 seats will be marked in the church with a 1 meter distance between them.
c) At the start of each bench we will place a sanitiser or wipes so that parishioners can use same to clean before and after Mass.
d) There will be baskets to dispose your used wipes at the exit.
e) Parishioners will have to sign the register as they enter Church.
f) Kindly note there is no advance booking required either by phone or via on-line. First come first serve as we are limited to a Maximum
capacity of 100 persons. Hence, we have 6 Masses on Sunday and 2 Vigil Masses on Saturday.
g) If you miss any mass due to the limit capacity, you are kindly requested to wait for the next Mass.
Weekend Mass Times at Holy Cross Church Henderson will be as follows: (Please note this timetable is applicable only for this weekend)
1 st Vigil Mass 5.00pm to 5.45pm
2 nd Vigil Mass 6.00pm to 6.45pm
1 st Mass – 7.00am to 7.45am
2 nd Mass – 8.00am to 8.45am
3 rd Mass – 9.00am to 9.45am
4 th Mass – 10.00am to 10.45am
Evening Masses
5.00pm to 5.45pm
6.00pm to 6.45pm
Above is the temporary Mass Timetable for Holy Cross Parish Henderson, Auckland in accordance with Covid-19 Level 2 New Zealand Government guidelines in regards to numbers of persons who could gather inside church at one time. This way we are confident we could
adhere to Covid-19 level 2 regulations of the maximum 100 persons inside the church at any given time for the purpose of Celebrating Holy
Thank you
Fr. Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap.
Parish Priest – Holy Cross Parish Henderson, Auckland.