Good evening my dear brothers and sisters,
Many of you will have just watched the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announce that the Auckland region will remain at Alert Level 3 for another 12 days until 11:59pm on Wednesday 26 August, when the government will revisit the situation.
We know heading into another period of restrictions can be unsettling, but we can all be proud of our community by taking charge and responding to this challenge. We have done this before, we can do it together and hope that this time we can stamp out COVID-19.
What does Alert Level 3 mean to us as visitors and parishinoers of Holy Cross Parish?
1) Holy Cross Parish, Henderson church and parish office will be closed until the government makes a decision on Wednesday 26th August
2) Coast to Coast Rosary scheduled 15th August will be postponed to a later date
If you do have any urgent enquiries, send us a private message and we will respond to you directly.
We know these restrictions may be challenging for you and your families. If you need to talk to someone, you can contact one of the support services available by calling or text 1737 to talk with a trained counsellor for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
If you’re feeling unwell, please stay at home. If you have cold or flu-like symptoms call your GP or Healthline (0800 358 5453) and get tested for COVID-19 if they ask you to.
We will keep you all updated.
In the meantime we must stay safe, and observe all measures to ensure that our vulnerable family members, neighbours and communities are protected and provided for.
May God bless and protect us all.
Fr Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap – Parish Priest.