My Dear Parishioners,
As we move to Alert Level 2 the disease is contained, but there is a risk of community transmission.
For our Parish, this means that we can have up to 100 people, so will be commencing weekend masses and daily masses, from this weekend 26th & 27th September 2020.
The schedule will be as follows:
Vigil Mass | Saturday 26th September | 5pm to 5.45pm |
Vigil Mass | Saturday 26th September | 6pm to 6.45pm |
Mass | Sunday 27th September | 7am to 7.45am |
Mass | Sunday 27th September | 9am to 9.45am |
Mass | Sunday 27th September | 10am to 10.45am |
Mass | Sunday 27th September | 6pm to 6.45pm |
Mass | Monday 28th September to
Friday 2nd October |
9am |
Vigil Mass | Saturday 3rd October | 8am |
Confessions | Please contact the Parish office. |
Please ensure that you adhere and follow New Zealand Government covid-19 protocols at all times whilst you are in the church premises.
Each participant is responsible to sanitize the area where you were seated. Sanitization items have been made available in all pews.
If you are unwell, please stay home to keep our community safe.
Thank you and stay safe.
God Bless you all
Fr. Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap.
Parish Priest – Holy Cross Parish Henderson Auckland.