All Saints Day, Monday, 01-11-2021
The Church is called to be a sign of salvation and a source of blessing for the world.
It comes from the Old Testament tradition where God blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and they in turn blessed their descendants.
So, in the Church, there is a blessing at the end of the Mass, a Benediction at Devotions, blessings for people celebrating occasions and in various needs.
Today we celebrate the Saints who have received the blessings of the glory of eternal life in heaven.
But even while on Earth, the Saints receive blessings from God and they in turn were a blessing for the Church and for the world.
They were called and blessed by God to be instruments for the renewal of faith, service to the poor and needy and reconciliation between God and man.
In short, the Saints were signs of God’s presence and holiness when they were on Earth.”
Even now in heaven, the Saints are still a channel of God’s blessings for us as they pray for us and help us along in the way of salvation.
And just as the Saints were blessed by God and called to be a blessing for others when they were on Earth, we are also blessed by God and called to be a blessing for others.
So, we are called to be a blessing for those who like us, for those who dislike us, for those who are good to us, for those who are not good to us.
The gospel message is also known as the Beatitudes, which means blessings.
So, God’s blessings come in abundance for those who are gentle, those who do what is right and good, those who are merciful, those who are pure in heart and for those who strive to be peacemakers.
God blesses those who walk in His ways, just as the Saints were blessed when they were on Earth.
And just as the Saints were a channel of God’s blessings for the Church and for the world, we too are called to be a blessing for others.
The Saints are a blessing for us and they are also praying for us that one day we will join them in heaven to praise and glorify the Lord.
Our mission on Earth is to be a blessing for others, so that they too will receive the gift of salvation.
May the Saints pray for us that we will fulfil our mission and lead others to heaven.”