My dear parishioners,
“Peace be with you and let not your hearts be troubled”
It has indeed been a long time, since we all met in our familiar family environment we gathered so often for the various prayer services and more importantly in partaking and sharing in the Most Holy Body And Blood Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Whilst I do understand this time of lockdown has caused immense hardships and their varying intensities that some among us have endured more than most others, during this time of cessation from our usual activities, it also has been a time of solitude to contemplate more on the scriptures, most of us would recall having heard many a times before.
‘The Lord’s Ways are not our ways and certainly are mysterious’. As a Holy people, set apart from the rest, it is ‘now’ more than before, our hope needs to be fortified in The Resurrected Spirit Of The Lord’ In His Spirit that everyone of us would find our strength in.
My assurance of prayers to each one of you, and humble plea, to reflect on ‘the words of Jesus Himself. A good place to begin would be by thanking for the life He has given us each day and meditate on the sufferings of Jesus, whilst He was carrying His Cross to his death.
As members of The Catholic Church, in the forbearance of the cross, that we Christians; that take pride in Professing The Name Of our Lord, would gain our discipleship in common with Christ. This would fortify our faith in The Lord for a more rich growth and intimate relationship with The Lord.
May this time be spent in a manner truly worthy of The Lord.
My sincere and best wishes to each and everyone of you, my dear parishioners.
“Trust in The Lord”
May God Bless you.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap.
Parish Priest – Holy Cross Parish, Henderson, Auckland.