
Our capuchin candidate Zecharia

Event details

  • Sunday | May 31, 2020 to Tuesday | December 1, 2020
  • All Day
Dear Brothers and sisters,
Peace of St. Francis.
I am delighted to inform you all, that one of our capuchin candidates, who belong to the Capuchin Delegation of The Immaculate Conception in Zealand, namely Zecharia Mathew who expressed his desire to become a priest and serve in New Zealand was accepted to join the capuchin order.  Zecharia a Parishioner of Holy Cross Parish Henderson had his initial education at Holy Cross School, Henderson. Thereafter he joined Liston College Henderson, for further studies. After graduation he decided to join our capchin order.
After initial inquiries we sent him to commence his postulancy studies to the Philippines.
Since then, Zecharia has successfully completed 2 years of his postulancy studies in the Philippines. Zecharia is now a novice and ready to begin his ongoing formation.
Attached herewith are some photographs of Zecharia and his fellow companions.
Please keep him in your prayers.
On behalf of our capuchin Delegation in New Zealand, I would like to sincerely thank all those who are praying for him and for your generous assistance to meet his ongoing formation expenses in the Philippines.
Last but not least we are very grateful to his parents, brother and sister for their great sacrifice of their beloved one for the service Of Our Lord and His people.
May God Bless you all.
Thank you
Fr. Sebastian Fernandes OFM Cap.
Parish Priest – Holy Cross Parish Henderson, Auckland.